You might be wondering if you're using the right method for what to charge clients, whether you are a fiber optics engineer, network manager, or installer. Every fiber optics job is unique, so it's wise to give estimates based on all the facts about that particular job and its requirements. Do not assume because a new job sounds like a previous one, it will cost you the same. This could result in lost profits and time for you.
When estimating the costs of a fiber optics job, do all necessary calculations before giving an estimate. You should calculate materials, testing and termination instruments, cleaning supplies, cables, fibers, and other tools that will be needed to create the network. It is also important to calculate how much time it will take to complete each procedure. Consider additional time for errors, repeat testing when things go wrong, and termination times.
Never take the manufacturer’s word for it when it comes to termination and testing. Always try out the connectors in your office before visiting the job site.
Before giving an estimated price, visit the actual job site where you will be creating the fiber optics network. You need to walk the area where you will be installing cables. Make a note of other nearby cables, any obstructive objects, excessive temperatures, potential moisture problems, and other issues. Bring a camera along if you're allowed to take photos. Verify there will be adequate space for your equipment and supplies while working.
It is a disaster in the making when there is a lack of communication between you and your potential client. You can't adequately give a quote for a job if you're not sure exactly what the client needs. Create a detailed interview sheet to carry with you when visiting the job site. Ask lots of questions about what the client needs. An interview sheet will provide you with the questions, so you won't have to pull them from memory.
Your client may be concerned with the cost of a fiber optics network, but they are most likely more concerned with whether you can do the job properly within a reasonable amount of time. This is where documentation comes in. Document everything you plan to do while setting up their fiber optic network. Write down where the cables, connectors, splices, and other parts of the network will be placed. Draw a map of the network’s path if possible. This helps the client to visualize what your finished product will look like.
The primary reason for documenting every detail is to give your client confidence about your capabilities. It also shows you already have a definite plan of action when you arrive on the scene, without second guessing. This additionally enables you to bid higher than your competitors in some cases. Clients expect to pay more when they feel the quality of work will be worth it. Documentation doesn't just make you better than the competitor, but the client might perceive you to be the best and most organized fiber optic specialist.
If you're still uncertain about the estimation and bidding process for fiber optics jobs, there is software available that will calculate the costs and create an estimate for you. This can be useful if you have several jobs going at once.
With fiber optics networks, you can never be too careful with estimations and bids. It's better to over-estimate from the start and surprise your client with a lower price later than to under-estimate and lose money in the long run.
Shop for fiber optic supplies at CableOrganizer® including cables, patch cords, connectors, enclosures, termination kits, splicers, cleaners, cable routing systems, testers, power meters, fault locators, fiberscopes, switches, and more.