Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and arc flash clothing play significant roles in protecting workers from various threats, including eye damage, burns, and injuries associated with arc blast explosions. Preventive measures don't end though with simply putting on the right equipment in dangerous situations. Reliance on PPE and arc flash gear is actually a give-and-take relationship.
This type of clothing needs to be regularly and carefully maintained to function properly. This is so it can retain all its protective properties. Your PPE will take care of you if you take care of it. PPE and arc flash clothing maintenance is luckily simple — it's just a matter of keeping items clean, checking them for damage, and keeping track of how long they've been in active use. A few tips for getting started are below.
- • Make sure they fit correctly. Improperly fitted eyewear can either slide down your face or create an overall uncomfortable experience if they are too tight. It is imperative to adjust glasses for the best fit, with nose pads and the temple areas modified appropriately.
- • Clean them regularly. Lenses on safety glasses can get scratched if dust, dirt, and smudges are not removed. You should wipe them down regularly with a lint-free or microfiber cloth. PPE glasses that are excessively dirty should be run under lukewarm water, and then gently dried with the appropriate cloth. Do not use hot water, which may warp your frames or deteriorate the coating on the lenses. Specialized soaps and cleansing solutions for eyewear may be used; and it is important to steer clear of harsh cleaners, tissues, or paper towels. Safety glasses should be air dried or patted to dry them.
- • Store them appropriately. A carrying case or pouch is your best defense in safeguarding your protective eyewear. This keeps your impact resistant glasses from accumulating dust, becoming damaged, or getting scratched. You should additionally place them in the case or pouch when you are not using them; and refrain from put your glasses face down on surfaces.
- • Keep them out of the heat and sun. Safety eyewear should never be left in excessive heat or direct sunlight. Higher temperatures can deform frames and cause lenses to lose their strength. Lenses in protective eyewear may additionally become altered when kept in direct sunlight for continued lengths of time.
- • Inspect them frequently. You should ensure your safety glasses are free of damage and check regularly for any issues. Should any parts, like nose pads, earpieces, or frames become damaged, it is important to repair them. Change out these pieces, or you may opt to have the glasses repaired professionally. You may additionally choose to replace your eyewear altogether.
- • Follow manufacturer and safety standards.Be sure you use and maintain your glasses appropriately. They should additionally meet the guidelines for your workplace or profession. Eyewear that does not comply with safety standards should be replaced.
- • There are many different FR fabrics in use now, and each has a different lifespan. The general rule of thumb is to own five sets of arc flash clothing, with each set being washed and worn once per work week. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for best advice, but there are common guidelines for maintaining this type of PPE. Westex Indura® treated like 100% cotton lasts an average of 12 to 16 months. Cotton and nylon with an 88/12 blend are anticipated to last for 18 to 30 months. Blends with 93% Nomex® last anywhere from 2-1/2 to 4 years.
- • Keep your FR clothing very clean. Dirt, oil, chemicals, and other contaminants can easily wear down the flame-fighting properties of arc flash pants, shirts, hoods, jackets and coveralls, so it's very important that FR clothing is washed as soon as possible after being soiled. And never re-wear arc flash clothing without laundering it first. Dirty PPE is less effective than clean, and can increase your risk of injury.
- • Go easy when washing arc flash clothing. When it comes to laundering arc flash PPE, gentler is better. You should wash items at home if you have the option between sending the clothing out to an industrial laundering service or just washing them at home. Items washed at home experience lower wear-and-tear, which helps FR clothes last longer. Stick with mild detergent and warm (not hot) water, and then tumble dry your items on low. Never use bleach or other chlorine-based detergents, because in most cases, they'll just break down FR fabrics. It's also a good idea to double-check the manufacturer's instructions, just in case there are any additional washing directions.
- • Inspect for damage. Even small tears and cuts can greatly reduce the protective powers of FR clothing, so it's important to regularly inspect your arc flash apparel for signs of wear and damage. If damage is found, either repair it in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications (special flame-resistant fabric patches and/or thread may be required) or replace the damaged article of clothing immediately. Never continue to wear damaged PPE, as can greatly increase your risk of on-the-job injury.
- • Keep them clean. Just like with arc flash clothing, the cleaner you keep rubber insulated gloves, the better they'll protect you from electric shock. Chemicals, oils, and other petroleum-based products can cause rubber to weaken and break down, so if your PPE gloves become contaminated on the job, wash them off with tap water and a mild, bleach-free detergent to get rid of anything that's not supposed to be there. Follow that with a thorough (but gentle) drying with a clean cloth.
- • Check for embedded materials. With the rubber of insulated gloves being so thick, it can be easy for small, sharp particles of foreign material to work their way into PPE and go unnoticed. Even though the embedded debris may not be obvious or penetrate entirely through the glove's wall, it still creates small holes and weak points that can compromise your safety. Before each wearing, roll gloves between your hands to feel for embedded particles. If any are found, have your gloves electrically tested to see if they're still safe to use.
- • Air test them before every wear. Even the tiniest pinhole in PPE can be dangerous. It's extremely important to air test gloves every time before wearing them. To air test your glove, simply hold the gauntlet (sleeve) end of it closed, trapping air inside. Then tightly roll the closed end downward, toward the fingers. If no air leaks out, the glove is free from holes.
- • Have gloves electrically tested twice a year. PPE gloves need to be electrically tested at least every six months to ensure that they're still able to protect against high voltage. Follow the stamped dates on your gloves closely. If you end up not using a pair of gloves within a year following their electrical test, have the gloves retested before putting them back into use.
- • Store gloves properly. Heat, UV rays, and pressure from other objects can all damage PPE. Store items carefully when they're not in use. Before putting them away, ensure your gloves are clean and dry. Rubber gloves are best stored in cool, dark places, away from chemicals and heat sources. If you store your gloves in a bag or container with other items, make sure that nothing is piled on top of the gloves, or otherwise pushing them out of shape.
Shop at CableOrganizer® for PPE and other safety equipment.