Every business has items kept in boxes or drawers. Some may have a plethora of storage containers stacked on shelves that are in a warehouse, empty office, or a closet. Employees may never need to locate stored items once they are stowed away but what if a situation arises where an object needs to be found quickly? And what if a key staff member is out on medical leave and a temporary employee needs to hunt down an item in a new environment? Time is money after all, and if these storage tubs aren’t well labeled, it can certainly become a time waster instead. This can occur when discovering the critical object was not in the container it was believed to be, but in some other unidentified container instead. A label printer can resolve this dilemma easily and affordably to make the situation manageable, even for a new staffer.
CableOrganizer® has labelers that range from uncomplicated battery-operated label makers to more sophisticated thermal transfer label printers.
Many of these printers are portable models, like the DYMO® Rhino Label Printers. The DYMO® Rhino 4200 is a handheld type with a standard QWERTY keyboard to simplify label creation. This labeler also expedites printing because of its shortcuts, symbols, and other handy features to print quality labels quickly. The Rhino 5200 is a rugged, handheld labeler with numerous functions to generate labels for broadcast, electrical, audio/visual, datacomm, and similar applications.
Panduit® PanTher™ LS8e/LS8eq Label Printer is a portable thermal printer. It is built to work in the field, whether you are an electrician or networking professional. Each of the label printer models have a memory device that feature automatic formatting, while maintaining the number of labels still available on the cassette.
There are so many handy uses for these pieces of equipment, with labeling storage containers certainly not the only one you'll find for your device. If you’ve ever had to disconnect a set of computer cables then tried to reconstruct what cord goes where, a label printer can help you in the future. You can solve the problem by marking the cords to identify cables for each device or electronic item.
There will be an endless number of uses for a label printer. Making a label takes only seconds and can save minutes or hours later when you are attempting to locate something.
Shop at CableOrganizer® for label printers, label tapes, heatshrink labels, cartridges, and more.