You and your employees will always encounter some type of cable on the job. There are also cables in your home you need to deal with. Whatever the setting, you need to protect them from foot or vehicle traffic in home, office or warehouse spaces, as well as in parking areas in all types of weather conditions.
Durable high capacity cable covers are a must in workspaces where there’s vehicle traffic. These covers need to withstand the possibility of cars rolling over them, without harming the cables. Leaving cables exposed could cause them to wear down or corrode. The Elasco 5-Channel Cable Guard is an excellent choice for car traffic protection. It sets up easily and has a convenient button-down lid for easy insertion and removal of cables.
Keeping the safety standards up to par on your business property is very important. You can lessen your chances of lawsuits against you or your business by following all safety precautions, including ensuring your cables are working and placed properly. Cable covers are a must in a business setting where there’s high pedestrian and vehicle traffic, including forklifts or other heavy machinery. This coverage can help prevent safety issues, such as trip and fall accidents, as well as damage to your cables. Yellow Jacket Cable Protectors provide heavy protection in industrial and commercial settings, including from heavy duty machinery and forklifts. There are other types of cable cover and cable management items to protect cables in office workspaces, not subjected to vehicle or high pedestrian traffic, such as cable raceways, wire ducts, cable trays, cable clips, and cable ties. Heat shrink tubing can be used for electrical cable insulation; mechanical protection; corrosion and abrasion protection; and moisture and weather sealing. Hook and loop wrap fasteners are another multi-purpose product, with some designed with protection from UV rays and extreme temperatures. You can also choose from CableOrganizer® curated kits, with handpicked and discounted product sets for office, desk management, and cable and wire management.
If you have cables running from your TV, telephone and stereo, you might want to purchase a raceway. This will eliminate cable clutter that might cause danger to you when you are walking. The raceway is simple to install: just place it around your walls or on your floor, then run your cables through. Many raceways can be painted to match your surfaces or home décor. You can also use a wide range of cable management tools, including braided sleeving, heat shrink tubing, cable clips, cable ties, fabric cord covers, hook and loop wrap fasteners, desk cable management and desk organizer products, desk outlets and grommets, and more. Explore the CableOrganizer® curated kits too, including ones for home theater, desk, office, and cable and wire management.
It is up to you to ensure wherever you have your cables, whether at home or in your workplace, you follow best safety practices.
Other Great Cable Cover Products for Protecting Your Cables from Foot and Vehicle Traffic Include: