When one thinks of cable ties, they may typically envision traditional uses for them, which is of course in their name — tying cables together. But wires and cables aren’t the only things that benefit from the support zip ties provide. If you are a gardener, you can count on these cord fasteners to hold up your plants, secure your fencing, and perform other gardening roles.
The wire ties you ultimately choose will be based on your setup and needs, as well as the type of plants in your garden.
Do you have tomatoes or similar plants that droop over once the plant begins to develop its fruit? It can make the difference between a successful growing season — or not so successful one — if the plant is raised up properly. Let’s say you’re growing tomatoes — if left on the ground, it could impact their quality, causing them to deteriorate from moisture, insects, or both. Some experts recommend staking tomato plants as soon as they are planted, to provide the plant with support as it grows. Staking offers benefits to your plant and harvest, including more exposure to the sun, increased airflow, easier pruning (plants that are pruned produce more bountiful and healthier fruit), increased space (there’s more room when plants grow vertically), and making them more accessible overall.
A cable tie simplifies supporting any type of plant, whether it is potted or in the ground, with many gardening gurus recommending a single-stake application. But with a tomato plant for example, one must assess if it is determinate (it stops growing at about 4 feet) or indeterminate (it can grow 6 feet or taller), which dictates how many stakes and cable ties are required. For tall or viny plants, you may need to reinforce them with additional stakes as they grow, then wrap ties around the plant’s stem and stake.
Many gardeners stick with the traditional general purpose nylon ties, some choosing a green cable tie to coordinate with the plant and garden. These traditional ties are often preferred because they are at a lower price point and higher quantity, with ours in a pack of 100. At the end of the growing season, simply cut off and discard the ties.
The same concept could be used for a flowering plant, depending on its type. If it is a viny type or climbing plant, you can take cable ties to attach stems to a stake, fence, or trellis. Perhaps you have a sunflower, which can average six feet in height, and may like to provide it additional support. Another option for either — and even for fruit and vegetable plants — are non-traditional cable ties, the VELCRO® ONE-WRAP® Straps. These soft and flexible, reusable cable ties are made with a hook and loop construction that gently wrap the stems. They can be easily applied, removed, or loosened to refit the plant as it grows. These come in different colors and can be coordinated, for example again, using a green cable wrap to match with the plant stem.
You may have varying levels of fencing around your plants, depending on your garden’s configuration. Perhaps you need to keep outside critters away from your plot and crops. You can wrap a cable tie around each fence post then through the fence netting itself, to attach and keep the fencing secure. Should one of those critters decide to chew through the fence, a zip tie can come to the rescue to repair it. Since your fencing will be exposed to the elements — along with any fastening device you clip it with — you may like to opt for UV resistant cable ties or weather-resistant cable ties. If your fencing is metal, you can additionally choose a metal cable tie of stainless steel or aluminum.
You may want to choose a reusable or releasable cable tie, should your fencing need to be taken down at the end of the season. A reusable zip tie like the GripLockTies™ are rubber lined too, to prevent damage to surfaces. These are also beneficial if you must enter the plot and open your garden fencing to access it. Fencing is another gardening scenario where the ONE-WRAP® straps could come in handy, CableOrganizer® has lengths up to 18 inches.
You may have every gardening tool type under the sun to use, and cable ties can do the trick if you need help organizing them. Just loop one through the hole on the tool’s handle. Then hang it on a hook or nail in a garage, shed, lattice near the garden, or similar places.
Use a Universal Cable Tie to hang garden hoses. Releasable cable ties can keep the hose coiled or stored away neatly during the winter months.
If the wire on your weed trimmer is worn out the next time you go to use it, you can use a cable tie in a pinch.
A zip tie isn’t just for practical purposes in a garden — it can make something more aesthetically pleasing, like attaching pots with herbs or flowers to a deck rail.
Read our article, Creative New Ways To Use Cable Ties for more unique ways to use your cable ties!
Ready to get gardening? Shop at CableOrganizer® for cable ties today!