NightGlow Luminescent Spiral Wrap

High Strength, Durability, and Visibility


What's special about this glow-in-the-dark wrap?

  • Wraps and bundles your cables, wires, and hoses while providing high visibility in dark areas.
  • Soft glow lasts for up to 8 hours throughout the night or day.
  • Can be charged by any light source, including fluorescent or sun light.
  • Constructed of strong, flexible material to protect your cables while still allowing them to move freely.
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This glow-in-the-dark spiral wrap allows you to bundle your cables while providing you with a light source. This specialty spiral wrap is ideal for use in applications where extreme abrasion resistance is important, and additional light is needed for safety.

Part # Description Min. Hose O.D. Length Price
PCI-N12 NightGlow Spiral Wrap - 3/8" diameter 3/8" 165 ft.
Manufacturer Direct
PCI-N25 NightGlow Spiral Wrap - 15/16" diameter 15/16" 66 ft.
Manufacturer Direct
  1. Wraps around cables, so you can install it without having to disconnect or remove cables or fittings.
  2. Provides multiple breakout points for easy routing of cables.
  3. Constructed of 100% virgin polyethylene for greater durability and resistance against abrasion.
  4. Operating temperature from -40°F to +280°F (-40°C to 138°C) for use in a wide variety of environments.
  5. Available in various sizes to wrap and install over just one cable, or large multi-cable bundles.
  6. Equipped with smooth beveled edges to prevent both cables and installers from being cut.
  7. Ideal for use in many in industrial environments, as well as many other applications, including:
    1. Mining Machinery
    2. Farming Equipment
    3. Marine and Boating
    4. Health and safety
    5. Camping
    6. Fishing/Hunting
Density ASTM D 1505 g/cm3 0.954
Melt index
2,16 kg ASTM D 1238 g/10 min 0.1
5.0 kg ASTM D 1238 g/10 min 0.56
Carbon Black Content ASTM D 1603 % 2~2.5
Tensile Properties ASTM D 638 (IV) - -
Tensile strength at yield (min) - kg/cm2 230
Tensile strength at break (min) - kg/cm2 300
Elongation at break (min) - % 500
Flexural modulus ASTM D 790 kg/cm2 8800
Environmental Stress Crack
Resistance ASTM D 1693 hr 1000
Condition B, F50 (min)
Hardness (min) ASTM D 2240 shore “D” 63
Impact strength (lzod, method A, min) ASTM D 256 kg-cm/cm 30
Brittleness temp. (min) ASTM D 746 °C -75
Vicat softening temp. ASTM D 1525 °C 123
Oxidative Induction Time at 200°C ISO / TR 10837 % 16
Modulus of Elasticity ASTM D 790 min 40
Thermal conductivity ASTM D 177 Watt/m°C 0.4
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion ASTM D 696 1°C 0.00013
Specification Data
Material Classification ASTM D 1248 - III C 5 P34
Cell Classification ASTM D 3350 - 345434(PE3408)
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